Hey there, friend!I hope the first month of the New Year has been a good one, and that you’re on track with all of your goals and resolutions! For us at Handlender, it’s been a full, and fairly productive first month of 2020. Here are some of the highlights:
How exciting! Though we’ve got a ways to go until Handlender is making the impact we’d like for it to make, there’s always time to celebrate the small accomplishments along the journey. Thank YOU for being a part of our growth! Member ZoneAlmost everyone knows, “It’s better to give than to receive.” But some people may find that it’s “Harder to receive, than to give.” We want you to know that we’ve got a large number of Handlender members on standby, waiting to help with your requests. So don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Let’s keep the cycle of giving and receiving going strong! Many of you have heard the tragic news that star NBA player, Kobe Bryant, and his 13-year-old daughter recently died in a helicopter crash. Kobe Bryant had many fans, and I am certain his family and supporters will mourn and miss him dearly. In light of this news, I am compelled to encourage all of you to be mindful of what’s most important in this life. We can earn and build up natural treasures like money or “things” over the course of a lifetime, but none of that will matter when we close our eyes to the sky for the last time. However, what we do, give, and share with others will matter. We can give our help to those who need a hand. We can give an ear those who need someone to talk to. We can give wise advice to those who need encouragement. We can give our time and resources to those who feel forgotten. We can give love to those who surround us, in and outside of our homes. But most important of all, we can give the Good News of Jesus Christ, to those who are lost, and living in darkness. Don’t wait until tomorrow to give what could save a life today. Blessings to you, Schia Hart 'Til Next TimeThanks for reading this month’s newsletter! Keep submitting requests, and keep helping others! And finally, take a moment right now to add us to your address book to ensure you receive our newsletters as well as notifications when someone in your community needs a hand!
As always, thank you for supporting and/or being a part of the Handlender network! |